Sobriety is not in my vodkabulary

Posted by Heidi on 12 Oct 2022

Right it’s getting a bit harder now. I’m past the smug ‘look I am a picture of health aren’t I saintly, it’s for charity you know’ stage now and I would like several vinos. I also didn’t get chance to post again yesterday because I worked until chuff o’clock and promptly fell asleep on my furry child so apologies, please forgive me dear readers.

I’m not sure when it happened but I think I have become old. I’m bloody knackered after work so far this week and it’s sodding Wednesday. Hence, as my social ‘it’s work honestly’ meeting in a pub was cancelled, I have sleepily downed a carvery (all three meats like a winner), climbed in bed at 8pm with a water and a book, ranted about the price of Lurpack and cuddled up with possibly the world most ridiculously long, borderline sexual hot water bottle.

If I survive tomorrow without a hip replacement, we will see what sober challenges it brings!! - Heidi

I had a Diet Coke in a pub