
It’s all about raising money for a very good cause – Macmillan Cancer Support.

Macmillan provide physical, financial and emotional support to people with cancer to help them live life as fully as possible. It’s a fantastic charity and the help and support means a lot to many people.

So, for the seventh year in a row, absolute leg-end superstar Heidi is going to pass on the prosecco, say nein to the wine and just giving up any and all alcohol for a gruelling 31 days.

Also for the sixth year in a row, her mate Jonathan Scott is going to continue to be a jerk by drinking all the alcohol that Heidi is missing out on. Not only that, but he enjoys taking pictures and taunting her with it too! He goes all out to make everything as entertaining as possible so that everyone has a good laugh in the process and to help get the message out there to help raise money for a good cause.

So, check back for daily antics, beer reviews, challenges and much for from your favourite Soberhero and Not-so-Soberhero.

The 12 beers of Christmas

Brand new for 2020, we’re running a very festive special edition to raise money for Pride in Hull - here’s Heidi with a little about why they deserve your support.

Grab a cuppa, sit down and let’s get to know each other, shall we?

Hello! If you’re reading this, you probably know who we are. And if you don’t… hello, wonderful to meet you!

Pride in Hull is a registered charity, run by a small but perfectly formed committee of volunteers on a not-for-profit basis. Members of the team have been involved in Pride in the city since the very first event, which was (incredibly!) almost 20 years ago.

It’s been quite a journey.

The remit of our event is simple. We’re here to celebrate the LGBT+ community with our friends and allies. We’re here to celebrate diverse sexualities and genders. We’re here to uplift communities. We’re here to tell people that they do fit in here. And we do it with a great big massive parade, equal parts protest and party.

We’re one of the biggest events in Hull and… not to brag, we’re one of the biggest free Pride events in the whole country too.