I’ve been stripping

Posted by Heidi on 30 Oct 2022

Can you believe how close we are?!! At this point in the game, of course I have resorted to stripping.

In this weekends “#whatidowithoutthepub” I’ll admit I’ve felt a bit down and the FOMO is real. Seeing all my friends having Halloween fun made me feel old and dull, so I impulsively decided to destroy my house and start stripping the porch to pieces.

In addition to some lovely original antique tiles, I’m pleased to report I am slightly high on paint stripper, so unless I die in the night I would consider that a sober win.

We’re nearly there folks so if you’ve enjoyed (and you better have!) Johnny’s incredible efforts, stick a few quid in the kitty. The cost of living these days, it’s the cheapest way of feeling good about yourself, and we’re only a lil £20 away from our target! 😘