It’s only chuffing DONE!

Posted by Heidi on 01 Nov 2019

Well, it’s done!! And what a bloody month. Here’s what I learned:

  • I don’t need alcohol, but I DO have the most stressful life and I don’t take enough time out. The past 2 weeks at work were hard. Not having a drink made me realise my job can be emotionally draining. I have little time for myself and I take on too much without thinking about unwinding in a better way.

  • Diet Coke: I’m over it. It tastes like overly fizzy dish water and I’ve cured my addiction.

  • I like not eating meat. I’ve not missed it at all, and eating it again today made me throw up. Twice. I could happily live without meat now. And quorn is just ace.

  • I didn’t lose weight. I assumed losing alcohol and meat I would also lose some lbs: not happened! So maybe I’m naturally a bit fat due to middle age.

  • I weirdly enjoyed writing the mini blog, which saw me steadily unravel. Although sometimes I was too knackered or busy to keep it up, I’d like to continue it!

  • The biggest thing I learned is the people around me are incredible. My friends really rallied around to be there for me, they’re good people. As someone a bit gay, I’m lucky enough to be able to choose my own family. Jonny and Vikki are also the epitome of good friendship: the people who I rarely see but who go above and beyond to show they care. Not only did they donate and get me through: they made the most amazing website and made the whole experience not as much of a ballache as I expected. I am blessed to have met these little legends and to call them both my friends.

  • Booze is expensive. In a month I’ve saved a few hundred quid and paid off all my credit cards!!

    …..on that note, I’m off on holiday. Don’t bother robbing me house, my lodgers in and he has a temper.

    -Heidi 💙